Your Medium Comfort Gel full face mask includes the following features
“Blue” Gel Technology Cushion
The updated “Blue” gel used by the ComfortGel Blue Full Face is softer and conforms to the face better to provide an enhanced seal. Additionally, the Comfort Flap uses SST (Sure Seal Technology) to provides a unique seal around the blue gel cushion. The Blue Gel Cushion and the SST Flap can be replaced to extend the life of the mask.
Exhalation Ports and Elbow
The mirco exhalation ports of the ComfortGel Blue Full Face reduce the operation sound. The angle of the ports direct air away from the CPAP user and partner. With a 360 degree swivel connection, the elbow allows for movement during sleep and the hose may pass over the head or down and across the chest.
Forehead Adjustment and Pad
The proven comfort of the Premium Forehead Pad is used with the ComfortGel Blue Full Face Mask to enhance the fit. The stability selector located between the forehead pad support and mask adjusts easily allowing users to find the best fit.